Monday, January 20, 2014

Waiting time...

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Friday, September 21, 2012

I remember the last week before we had to go out on outreach in Mexico. I was missing $2,500 in order to go and I had about $150. To be honest, at that moment it was very hard to see how everyone was walking around happily because it seemed so easy for them to pay for the trip.  I just stood there kind of happy. I knew in my heart that God was going to give me the money I needed to leave, but I felt a huge pressure over me. Doubt had taken control over me. I was selling bracelets and hot chocolate to raise money, which got me some $100; this was still nothing compared to what I needed to get.  It wasn't until I got to the point were I had to accept that I had done what I could; the results were in God’s hands, it is better if I don’t worry about it. Two days before the trip, I got the surprise; my friend gave me $1,400! I started crying and giving thanks to God. When I saw the bill that was the exact amount of money I needed and, I ended up going to outreach with my friends with extra money in my pocket. God was faithful…

“God what is going on? Why haven’t you given me the money I need, if you know that what I want to do, I do it for you?  It is time for me to go to Sweden, what is going on?” Yes, this has been going through my mind all this week. It has been 4 days since I had to leave and I still need about 5,000 dollars. In my other trips I have arrived at my destiny just in time; money came in all at once and didn't have to worry as much. That was not the plan God had for me on this trip.  He has me waiting because he wants to teach me something and I need to find out what it is.

Today in the morning I found out what I had to learn. I remembered that my plans are no longer MY plans. As much as I try to do the things the way I want them to work out, it is not going to happen that way unless it is the way God has it planned. His plan in my life is stronger. He wants me to surrender my plans to Him, and that I may know that I don’t need to call them MY plans but OUR plans.  He wants complete surrender and trust to know that no matter what, everything will be for my good. He will provide! J That is why I love having Him in my life! :D He is still faithful...

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