
One of the things I love the most about following God is that He encourages us to do things together. We worship together, we pray together, we eat together. The most beautiful thing is that whether you work in missions or you work at home we get to work together. As a missionary I need you to join forces with me. Let's do this together, we can support each other with the resources we have. Be a missionary with me!

You can GIVE. I work with a non-profit missionary organization. As a staff in YWAM Norway, we are responsible for developing a support team for our role in YWAM. We trust in God and depend on the financial generosity of this support team to do so. Please pray about it and consider supporting me!

As of right now I am starting to look for people who would like to be part of the mission with me in a monthly basis. I will need 650 US dollars a month to be able to sustain myself in the next location I'm going to. Therefore I need:

15 people who are willing to give 55 dollars a month
40 people willing to give 20 dollars a month. 
8 people willing to give 100 dollars a month

If you decide to do so this is how you can help:
  • Through PAYPAL. My email for Paypal is:
  • Transfer money to my Norwegian bank account 9801 22 26500 
  • IBAN-number: NO0998012226500 Swift Code: SKIANOBB

You can PRAY. Being a missionary comes with it's ups and downs. Pray that God may give me strength, that I may find my rest in Him. Pray for the people that I meet daily, that God may meet them and have their lives transformed. Pray for direction in my life from God, not my own or what everyone else says, but what God wants for me. Feel free to pray for whatever is in your heart. On the side of this page there are some specific prayer requests, you can pray for during the season in my life.

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