Monday, January 20, 2014

Oh, Memory Lane

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It has almost been a week since I started my Trip.!!!

It has been amazing, especially because I got to see people that I haven't seen in so long. God has been so good, starting by when I got to LA and I got to eat In and Out with my friends Nina and Bobby. I also had a great day with them in my favorite part of Los Angeles, which is Santa Monica even if its not officially part of LA. I woke up looked out the window and saw a beautiful blue sky, Nina and I wanted to enjoy the weather and we rode our bikes all through Ocean Avenue and went to Venice to relax and shop a bit. That same day April went to pick me up and I went down to Mexico. I have been here hanging out with April going to Circulo, watching a hilarious movie at the VIP movie theater, giving out breakfast at the orphanage and playing with the babies. Overall it has been great, tomorrow I will finally go meet my new family for the next 5 months.

As I have been to all of these places, I can't help but remember all of the beautiful memories I have lived in Mexico. Every inch of Mexico has a memory that I will always hold close to my heart. I never thought that coming back here would be so easy, yet so hard.

Thanks to everyone who has made this trip possible by buying bracelets, donating money and for praying for me. God bless you!

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