Monday, January 6, 2014


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Saturday, March 5, 2011

I can't even remember everything that happened since the last time that I updated. So many things have happened obviously...its been like three weeks or even a month since I last wrote an update. 

I don't think I have much to say. I have learned many things. The interesting thing is that they are things that my brother had told me about, even my mom had said that I had problems with it. God had to use a really close friend to show me that he wanted to change that about my character.
We also helped the base to make possible "Baja and Beyond", which to my understanding is a program that the leaders organize to raise funds to support the base. It was craziness at the base! I got to hang out a lot with one of the teams, and ended up having a great conversation that was encouraging to keep pursuing ministry anywhere and to keep having hope for those people that seem really far away from God. 

I also had my debut as a kindergarten teacher! haha. Yes it happened. After telling myself that I would never teach because the kids never obey or listen to me, I ended up teaching. Amazingly the kids did exactly the opposite of what I thought they were going to do! YAY!! This means happiness to me! I love the kids they are amazing! 

Other than that, if you didn't know I wanted to do my DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Germany. Turns out that I am no longer going to do it there, my reference forms got there too late, so I was too late to start the Visa process. This has brought a great uncertainty about my future. I have not decided yet if I should do my DTS in the base in Ensenada, which is like an hour away from where I am right now, or wait a few months and do my DTS in June, or even September. Please help me out by praying for me, or supporting me financially, as I have a decision to make in a short amount of time. 

Thank you for everything! :)

This is a video of the class I gave to the kindergarten. I was teaching the ABC. :) 

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