Tuesday, January 28, 2014

God always shows us His way…

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

About two years ago God told me to not make any plans, that I should just follow what He has for me. I battled with this idea so much. I freaked out; I thought I wouldn't be able to have any sense of direction ever, that everything in my life would be last minute.  Later on I found out that what God meant for me is that I should just let every day come, and worry only about that day. To be aware of what He has to say to me and start acting upon it.  
As you know I came to Sweden thinking that I would be here for three months, later on that turned into 10 months in total.  Being in Sweden I was surrounded by people who had studied the Bible, they know it so well and they were passionate about the Word of God. Hearing them speak about certain things in the Bible made me realize that I don’t know the book that I claim to believe in.  Since then I have gotten a hunger to get to study the Bible, to be able to grasp who God is in a whole different level. 
Fortunately YWAM has a 9 month school in which you study every single book in the Bible, verse by verse.  More people know the school as “School of Biblical Studies” or SBS. However I will be studying the Bible Chronologically, in what is called “Chronological School of Biblical Studies” or CSBS, in YWAM Tijuana, Mexico. This school is not an easy school. It requires dedication, motivation, devotion and a huge love and desire to get to know our Maker. In this school I will spend 6 day s of the week studying the Bible.  It is a highly academically demanding school.
 I am willing to dedicate 9 months of my life to get to know the Bible. I think this is a very important step towards my calling. I know God has called me to the nations, to encourage people to live life in a whole new level.  That they may know who God really is and that they can experience Him fully.  I am willing to take the step and make an impact in this world with God. I believe that knowing the Bible and being able to study it myself is a big step into bringing God’s Kingdom to this world.  
I encourage you to partner with me in this process. I am seeking to find people who believe in me and are willing to support me however they can. Give out of what you have to help me reach this goal. Whatever it is you can give, it can be prayer, money, encouragement, or even your taxes (US and Canada), whatever God puts in your heart. Take this step with me; let’s do this together as the body of Christ. Let’s support each other. If you have prayer requests let me know and I will pray for you.
Thanks to all who prayed for me when I had no idea where to take this course at! God cleared the path very fast and showed me that going back to Tijuana, Mexico was what He had in mind for me.

Send me your prayer requests to my email: stephzepeda92@gmail.com it doesn't matter where you are from, or if I know you or not. I am more than happy to pray with you. J

If you want to know more about this course I will be taking in September click on this link.

You can give through PayPal by clicking on the Donate button.

I you want to give a tax deductible payment, or for other options click on this link.

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