Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Live by Faith

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

          So, here I am God, yes I obeyed to what you wanted me to do. Ok so a while ago I prayed to God hey Lord, I want to live by faith it’s that wow really this is something I do want to do. Well I don't know about you but have you ever prayed things without exactly thinking about all the things that involve what you are asking for. Well it has happened to me twice now. As I said before I asked God that I wanted to live by faith and the other thing I asked him is that I want to serve more. I don't think that these are bad things to ask for I mean the apostles lived by this, but yeah I'm still a baby when it comes to these things. I asked God for this and wow surprise I got it!

Let me say this IT IS HARD!

          Right now I feel like I am at this place serving this family and I am so glad they are great people and they have been very understanding. It is hard I can't deny this; taking care of a baby boy is not as easy as I thought it would be at the beginning. The only thing that comforts me at this moment is that I know that God is making me go through this to grow and to learn to be a better person, someone who knows what it means to serve in the kingdom, there isn't always something that is in it for you. As of walking and living by faith wow, it’s interesting how right now I am taking these steps not knowing why, just doing things because I was called to do it. This is part of the beauty of being in love with God; you become totally dependent on him. Right now it's all him, all about him.....

To be continued!

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