Wednesday, January 1, 2014

And I Finally Understood!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

I think it is amazing how beautiful God is. I really love how at first we see that things are just so messed up. As I wrote a while ago, I did not understand why I was here at this place. Why would someone go out of their country to take care of a child? I am glad God gave me the gift of faith, because he gave me faith in him, enough faith to make a very risky move. When I first got here I was lacking more faith in him. I was so stressed out; I really wanted to know the reason why I was here in Tijuana. I even remember singing a song that said "You make all things work together for my good". I did not really understand what I was saying. Now I know that anywhere I go, and that anything I do will make me grow. I probably already knew about this, but knowing and really taking something in and actually applying it to your life are different things. Right now I am learning new things, growing spiritually and in the way I am getting new friends. It is now wonderful and just amazing to be here. God has put people in my life that encourage me to seek him more. When I got here I was worried that I was only going to take care of the baby Angelo (whom I love!) and not receive classes. Turns out that a month after I got here I found a way to receive the classes...A MONTH LATER! This is just reminding me that I don't need to question God's ways of doing things. Whatever thing that is happening to you, it will ALWAYS be for your own good. God doesn't let things happen out of coincidence there is always a purpose…even when hurt is involved. God will not put you through something that he knows that you can't handle. Everything that happens to you it is because he knows you are ready for it.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."   Romans 8:28

I have this bible verse on the wall of my room in Honduras. It is so important that we learn to understand this. I thank God that now I really understand this. Now that I remember I did not really understand what Paul meant by this, and I asked God to tell me what it meant. Well he answered with this...I know that this is not the only thing I have learned. There are many things yet to happen here, after they happen or end up happening I will write about what God is doing to me here!
God Bless you all!

Thank you Ricky, I did need to write something :) 

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