Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello my Friend

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello my friend,

It has been a long time since we have talked. Life has been happening, new things have been learned and love is stronger now. I could come up to you and just cry for all the bad things that I have done. Yes I can cry, but not this time. I am tired of having moments of no growth and no real connection because I don't feel worthy to stand in front of Him. Doesn't this sound ridiculous? I mean He promises us that He will carry our burdens and that He will forgive. Why do we feel unforgiven?

I am stronger now. I fall, I stand up, clean up the dirt and I keep going. It feels great, no more of those long days where my life seemed to have no sense at all, no sacrifice, no full devotion, just because I didn't feel forgiven. God is definitely the Greatest, the MOST Glorious, full of grace, and my favorite He is Love. He is my Father! This makes me happy, there is nothing better.

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
   for your love is more delightful than wine.
                                                     Songs of Solomon 1:2

Lesson to Learn: 1. Don't trust your feelings, believe what your head knows.
                          2. Never keep God to yourself, share about Him with everyone you meet.  

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