Monday, January 20, 2014

Dance with Me

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012
       It's always great when God gives you this amazing desire. A desire that you didn't expect you would ever have. As a matter of fact one of the things you said before was " I don't ever want to be a missionary" or " I don't want to go to Mexico". This is how I realize that my life is not my own it belongs to someone else who has a higher purpose for me.
       I cannot complain about the events that have happened in my life, things have gone better than I thought they would. Even the things that were not handled the right way, He has made them work out for my good. He knows I need to learn to trust, to love and to depend only on His affections for me. He knows my deepest desires in a way that I might not even understand. He feels my daily pain and gives me His hand and tells me "dance with me, I love and I won't ever let you down." As I dance with Him tears keep falling down my face, my heart is still in pain but His hands are holding me. I trust His hands, in them I feel secure, I feel peace, love and most importantly I feel fulfilled. Why wouldn't I give Him all I am? Why wouldn't I give Him my life to take care of? Why not let Him make my decisions, take my anxiety, my pain? In His hands my life is secure; no matter what my circumstances are, He takes my burdens and tells me that He will carry them. He is my lover, that is His name for me when I seek Him in the secret place where we enjoy each other. I am His Chiquita, and He is my lover.

"I belong to my beloved,
    and his desire is for me."

                         Song of Songs 7:10

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