Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Christmas Break!

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hey guys!

Christmas break is here! I know you are just as excited as I am. Unfortunately I won't be able to spend Christmas in Honduras. It's sad since my grandma is very sick; please keep her in your prayers. She is the reason why my family is Christian, she is a strong woman of God and she is also my role model. 

Being far away from home is not going to be as bad as I thought it would be. If you are wondering what city is the one in the picture it is LONDON! I had bought a roundtrip ticket from London to Sweden, and I didn't want to waste it. I will be here until the 18th. I am here with my dear friend Laura Conley, with whom I had the honor to spend most of my high school years with. She is awesome. The first time we were here she showed me London in a day. This time we have more time to enjoy and visit the places I didn't get to see before. We visited a mall and went to a church service at St.Paul's Cathedral. 

Where am I spending Christmas and new years then? I will be going to Austria! I met these amazing two girls in Sweden, they invited me to celebrate Christmas with them. I will be living a true Austrian Christmas! God blessed me with amazing two friends and with trips that I would have never imagined to happen! I will post pictures of our adventures together. :) 

Please keep praying so that I may get supporters to help me continue doing missionary work. I need 400 USD a month, to be able to stay in Sweden. I know the miracle can happen! Pray, pray, pray. ^^

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