Monday, August 25, 2014

February 6, 1691

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   Unexpected, that's what this summer has been for me. I've only had so much time to try to understand all the things that happened. This season has been slow and hard to deal with but it's in these moments where we have the opportunity to grow closer to God. It's hard but it's worth it. I will share more about what I have been learning this summer in the future. For now I just want to share this letter that a man who was called Brother Lawrence wrote 300 years ago. It is from the book "Practicing His Presence". I read this and I was challenged.

"The Lord knows best what is needful for us. What He does, He does for our good. If we really knew just how much he loves us, we would always be willing to receive anything from his hand. We would receive the bitter or the sweet without distinction. 
          Anything, yes everything, would please us just because it came from Him.
         The worst possible afflictions and suffering appear intolerable only when seen in the wrong light. When we see such things as dispensed by the hand of God, when we know that it is our own loving Father who abases us and distresses us, then our sufferings lose their bitterness. Our mourning becomes all joy.
          Let all your employment be to know God. The more you actually know Him the more you will desire to know Him. Since knowledge is a measurement of love, the deeper and more intimate you are with Him, the greater will be your love for Him. And if our love for the Lord is great, then we will love Him as much during grief as in joy.
          I am sure you know that most people's love for the Lord stops at a very shallow stage. Most love God for the tangible things He gives them. They love Him because of His favor to them. You must not stop on such a level, no matter how rich His mercies have been to you. Many outward blessings can never bring you as close to God as can one simple act of faith.
          So seek Him often by faith.
          Oh, dear friend, the Lord is not outside of you, pouring down favors. The Lord is within you. Seek Him there, within...and no where else.
          Let the Lord be the one, the only , love of your life. If we do love Him alone, are we not rude if we busy ourselves with things trifles, trifles which do not please Him and some which may even offend Him? Be wise and fear such trifles. They will one day cost us dearly.
          Dear friend, would you now begin, today, to be devoted to the Lord, in earnest? Cast everything else out of your heart. He would possess it alone. Beg of Him that favor.
         Do what you can, and soon you will see that change wrought in you which you are seeking.
         I cannot thank Him enough for the relief He has given you.
         I hope, by His mercy, for the privilege of seeing Him face to face within a few days.
Let us pray for one another."

-Brother Lawrence

Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach, pg. 105-106. Seed Sowers Publishing

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