Friday, August 11, 2017

Hi friends! 

Here's another fundraiser that I'm doing! YAY! 

First of all, I want to say THANK YOU! Thanks for helping me out the last time I did a fundraiser. As I said, it was out of my comfort zone to ask friends for help, but you guys have made it easier. I can now see how I can count on friends for help when I'm in need. :) 

It's a new season and there are many things that are changing in my work life. (Of which I will update you guys about soon). One thing is for sure the same, I want to keep working in Norway. I am soon approaching 3 years of living in Norway. I can't believe how fast time has gone! 


         As some of you know, we are only allowed to work for 4 years on a YWAM visa. The time is coming for me to renew my visa with YWAM Norway for the last time. I really need your help to be able to apply for it! The visa costs 3,700 NOK or 465 dollars.

If you are interested in helping me pay for the visa, you can send me money through:

Vipps: 41768689
Bank Account: 9801 22 26500 

Here are some pictures from a ministry I work with called "Kristenrussen"

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