Monday, October 17, 2016

Taken at Stokkmarknes

Hey Guys!!

It's been a long time since I've dared to do this BUT! Really great opportunities call for higher measures so this is an official FUNDRAISER POST!!

Ok, don't be scared, I won't beg for money here but ask you to help me be able to travel on a mission trip to...

You know, the problem is that time flies when you're having fun. Time has gone by so fast and it's now time for me to get a new PASSPORT!

It feels like it was yesterday when I had a whole dramatic experience with renewing my passport as an official underage person...


In order to get a new passport I kinda need to travel to...


Not just anywhere in Germany but the very own capital city of BERLIN! YES!

          I want to invite you to join me in this. We can do this together! I am a bit under the amount of monthly support I actually need. So I can't afford traveling to Berlin just yet. But I am trusting God and also leaning on the awesome family Christ has given me. Please pray and consider giving a one time gift so that I can travel to Berlin and get a passport to be able to go on this very special mission trip. I also really need more monthly supporters, if God leads you to help in that way please contact me :)

For this trip I need I need a total of: 2,776 kr or 340 USD. Here is a breakdown of how I will use that money:

             My mission trip to Thailand will be with amazing youth from all over Norway. We will be visiting a group called the Shan People, who are refugees from Bhurma. We are going to encourage them, play with children while their parents work; and, all in all, be Jesus' hands and feet. Not only that, but these mission trips usually mean a lot to the youth that get to go on them. I went to India last year and my whole life was changed after that trip!
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