Sunday, December 29, 2013

Monday, August 30, 2010

Recently I have been pondering a lot about my life. I know all of us ask ourselves what is my purpose in this life? Why do I live under these conditions? What am I supposed to do with this, how am I going to answer these questions to myself?  Sometimes I feel I can't answer them. The future seems so uncertain to me. What is it that God has in the future for me. I will have to thank God for being so special to me and giving me desires, desires to serve him.
Since the beginning of this year I have kept asking myself, what do I want to do for the rest of my life. If some of you don't know I just graduated from high school. Just as any graduate I was trying to figure out what I like to do. Unlike my other classmates I was not stressing over filling out college applications, trying to find scholarships or studying for the SAT's, I was trying to find my gifts. You know those things that make you who you are, the things that make you different than the rest. I had figured out from the book "Complete Idiots Guide for College a Major" that it was essential for me to know what am I good at what do I like or love to do. You have to understand that this is a really hard question for me. I am not like others that can say I am a guitar player or I am a soccer player. I don't really have a talent in which I can describe myself and make people know me as that. So what is it that made me who I am? A friend told me I am good at communicating with others, well yes I can see that, but I don´t know if someone could say hey look its Steph the that just doesn´t go. Sometimes I wished people could say hey there goes Steph the drum player.(in some future I will be playing the drums). But I guess that, that would not make me happy. I wanted more from life. I want more than just going to college, graduate, get married, have kids, work and get old and of course attending the Sunday service at church. Don't get me wrong here but that is not the ideal life for me. If I had to live that type of life I would just rather die and not live it at all. What I am trying to say is that God brought me to this world for something more than a conventional "be a good person by going to church" life. So during that time I was wanting to know what am I going to do with my life. It was here when I some friends told me about YWAM (Youth With A Mission). This place was like magic, surreal to me. I still couldn't believe that God had created such a big organization dedicated only to missions and to top it all they have a university! How amazing is all of this, I couldn't believe it, this place was perfect for me...
The only thing was that in order to apply to the university I have to do a DTS (Discipleship Training School). I figuerd out that I could do this anywhere I want in th WHOLE WORLD!! It is just too much, deciding where I was going to do this was just so hard. I had many countries that I wanted to visit. Now this is why I am telling you this long story of my thoughts during this year, recently I found out where I wanted God to use me as a missionary. After a conversation I had with a German and a Tico about how Europe is spiritually my heart just busted. I had finally heard about a group of people in which I was interested in being a light to them.  God had shown me that his heart is broken for Europe, he had actually shared that he feels sad because the continent that once used to be his number one is now the opposite. So this is what I wrote while I was doing some research about the continent...

Europe is the continent with less Christians...this shouldn't be something we don't care about we need to move! By giving you this information I am saying God needs YOU! yes you and me to go there and spread the word! We have to go there and let God use us to wake up their hearts! Now I understand why God wants me to go to Europe he knows that the continent is in a spiritual revival need...we need a revolution..the revolution of love instead of an oppressing religion like Islam can be. Love is needed and we as children of God are called to go out there and preach the gospel spread love, show,love,love..God's perfect and wonderful love. I don't want to be the only one who feels like I have to go there, come on children of God wake up!! we need a revival in the European church..and we as God's representatives on earth have the responsibility to do it, and we do it because we love God and we want to do his will. maybe you have been wanting to know where God? where? where should I go please tell me! Well I tell you right now, Europe is the continent with less Christians who claim that God is their savior and that they love him. They all go to church because if they want to get married they have to have a church they attend, but think about it...they still don't know that there is more to God than just Sunday morning church. God has put in my heart that I should go there and be light. I don't know if you have ever thought about this, but think about it. Are you going to wait so that someone else gets up and does this.. no, God wants you to feel what he feels, and God is heart broken for his people. Europe used to be the continent with the highest Christianity levels, now it is full of christian churches, but they are seen as a tourist attraction. Lets change this, lets bring a spiritual revival to this place. Lets be light. 

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